Monday, August 2, 2010


Um, I've fallen off the low carb wagon again.  Today I had some chicken breast bites from the local deli.  My daughter wanted a corn dog and chicken.  She didn't eat the breaded chicken bites, so I did.  They weren't even that good!!!

I also had a strawberry poppy seed chicken salad from Panera Bread.  I will not get that salad again.  It's lettuce with grilled chicken.  Not bad, right?  Well then it's got strawberries that tasted like they were glazed, pineapple, mandarin oranges and some sweet poppy seed dressing.  I was expecting a regular salad with strawberries.  Not a fruit salad with lettuce!

I'm making a conscious decision to get back on track tomorrow.  I haven't been packing my lunches the night before, so I've been relying on fast food.  Not a good idea.  This is my pledge to do better!!

When I got home I had some tuna salad in one of the low carb pita breads from the store.  I threw in some alfalfa sprouts for crunch.

1 comment:

  1. Ick, that salad sounds terrible. Well at least you know what to expect now. There's no Panera Breads in my region :(
